Tuesday, January 4, 2011

50 little things

1. I have been watching pokemon A LOT recently
2. I love my '91 Lincoln Town Car
3. I named my car LaFawnduh
4. My best friends' names are Christina and Fernando
5. I love make up, but I never really do my make up
6. My hair is a pain, but I love it
7. I am Mormon
8. I do want to go to BYU
9. I am pretty good in school and get good grades but...
10. I definitely hate school
11. My favorite perfume is Harajuku's Lovers in G and Love. (But I like Love more than G)
12. My favorite number is 4.
13. I watch the ShayTards
14. I'm more or less addicted to StumbleUpon
15. I love milk chocolate
16. I love sour patch kids
17. I will almost always get lemonade at restaurants
18. I like to put glue on my skin and wait for it to dry then peel it off
19. I used to do origami a lot and even got in trouble at school for doing it too much
20. I love naps.
21. Apparently I'm OCD, but I don't think I am.
22. I really want a DSLR camera
23. But I'd rather save my money go to Brazil to visit Fernando
24. I'm scared to go to college
25. but I can't wait to meet my husband and have my own family
26. I want to have at least 3 daughters that way they can each have one of my middle names.
27. I don't really have a middle name right now, but I have one fake middle name and my last name will be my middle name when I get married
28. I play 3 instruments well, but I also know how to play a few other instruments a little bit.
29. I like painting my nails, but it can getting very frustrating.
30. I love film photography.
31. Goats and cats are probably my favorite animals.
32. I love cooking
33. I love trying new foods
34. Sometimes I'll try weird food just so I can say I ate it.
35. Oriental food is probably my favorite.
36. I space out a lot
37. I have weird dreams whenever I do remember my dreams
38. I am shy
39. I named my kitten Ke$ha...because the kitten looked like another kitten that we had whose name was White Trash
40. I wear contacts, but I don't really need then that much
41. My ceiling is covered in posters and other various things that you can staple to a ceiling.
42. The largest poster is of The Simpsons Movie. I only saw this movie twice.
43. My favorite games to play are Super Smash Brothers, The Sims, Guitar Hero/Rock Band, and Nazi Zombies (when other people are playing with me)
44. I stole my brother's pokemon cards and he doesn't care
45. My TV and computer are both duct taped. I thought they needed it too look prettier.
46. I've been told my room looks like a stoner's room.
47. I love singing, but I won't sing if I'm asked to.
48. I like to show off and play my instruments in front of people but it also scares me to death when I do.
49. I watch RayWilliamJohnson's Equals Three
50. I really want a nap

Friday, December 31, 2010

Not-So-Sane Brothers.

Have I talked about my brother before on this blog? I think not! Let me tell you. He is just.....AsGBHUGBJSDNjdifosdngou. Yes. That. Blehh. Twenty years old and his greatest accomplishments have to do with playing Black Ops. (Mind you, it is a pretty fun game....mostly because of Nazi Zombies..)
Today I was bored with playing gamecube with my niece so i was like "Shucks. I have guitar hero for xbox. i'm sure my hombre wouldn't mind me playing MY game!"
Yes. I am aware that its his xbox, but i was playing my game on my account. No harm right? he wasn't even home.
BUT when he did get get home...
"I thought i told you you can't touch my xbox without my permission....>:(" he said.
he had some of his buddies over, and i had my bestie over. so he couldn't hurt me then. They just went outside to set fireworks or something. then i got a text saying along the line of
"you better not touch my xbox without my permission again..."
he's scary.
just the other day he was all sweet and like...making me pizza and giving me hugs.
i'm just glad i can go to college soon to leave him.
after christina and i were done with our song we went into my room and hid...in the dark and whispering.
Hurray for family issues!
<3 The (troubled) Bandie

Monday, November 15, 2010

End of an Era.

So marching band is over (well...the REAL marching band. we still have parades. whatever)
Beethoven can rest now.
It was a short season chuck full of ups and downs.
I really liked this year's show and i'm gonna miss it.
but not the folding chair.
effin folding chairs.

Dear Fernando (Mr. Brazil),
I miss you, and wish that you could come back. Please hurry back soon because Portuguese is HARD. Thank You.
<3 The Bandie

Sunday, August 15, 2010


Dear Mr. Brazil (or Brasil for you smarty pants),

Today when you told me you still wear my bracelets made my day. Thank you for caring about me.

<3 The Bandie

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

punch punch kick

so...this one time at band camp...we did kickboxing.
(its our new warm-up)
so with the start of a new season, i guess i'm coming back.
yay for...who?
this season we are playing...wait for it...
(dun dun dun dunnnnnnnnnn)

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Summmmmer :3

yes yes 12 more school days.
Oh and um Nando? I miss you :)
Anyways. Melatonin? great crap.
on a side note: herpes sucks
Just kidding
Its just a cold sore
don't worry, I'm a good girl
I need a job. What do you think? Yes?
Does anyone want to teach me (Brazilian) Portuguese? Its a very very confusing language and lets face it
I dont have SOMEONE's awesome language skillz. Yeah. I'm talking to you bud.
I think we should just pretend I'm a senior so I can leave high school and meet some cute MATURE college boys. (Dear High School Boys, GROW UP D: and be cute. mmmmmk? thankssss)
You know, if anyone really does read this then they should tell me so I have a reason to actually write in it more. Otherwise I'm just entertaining myself. I say some pretty weird crap.
its my hair.
its just so dang fluffy
S2 (its a heart! see it? haha)
Thats all. Maybe I should write everyday?
We'll see.
<3 The Bandie
(remember when I said I'd change that? haha)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Don't Leave...

Just a note to my imaginary readers...never make friends with foreign exchange students. Sure, they make great best friends. and they have funny accents that are lovable, but guess what? They go home eventually. Yeah. That's right. They're gonna leave. Sorry. Deal with it. I have to. :)
I love you. andddddd yeah
<3 The Bandie